Growing up with sever acne, I've always been hyper aware of my skin. Oily skin runs down in my mother's side and breakouts along with it. Mine is particular is also paired with PCOS. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is where your hormones are bonkers because your eggs are crazy. (Yes, that's the official definition.) Acne is one of the most common side effects, as well as excess hair growth and infertility. I don't particularly want kids so the later part isn't an issue. The acne bit however, has driven me mad for over half of my lifetime. With it comes debilitating insecurity about my skin, thousands of dollars down the drain, and scarred skin that demands MORE dollars for flushing.

But as Beyonce says, "So life sucks, what are you gonna do about it?" Move forward. I'm currently on Isotretinoin, a drug that controls oil production. After my treatment, I'm off to laser skin treatment for my acne scars. I do wish I had started sooner, but financial difficulties and put a strain on my self-care. So here I am now, trying not to regret too much about the past and doing my best to "do something about it."


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